File_Fortune refactored

Over the past few evenings, I've refactored File_Fortune to have it implement Iterator, Countable, and ArrayAccess — basically allowing it to act like an array for most intents and purposes. As a result, I've eliminated the need for the File_Fortune_Writer package, and greatly simplified the usage.

(Note: sure, File_Fortune may not be that big of a deal, but over 1000 downloads in the past two years indicates somebody is using it. Plus, it powers the random quotes on the family website. :-) )

As some examples:

require_once 'File/Fortune.php';

// Initialize and point it to a directory of fortunes
$fortunes = new File_Fortune('/path/to/fortunedir');

// Retrieve a random fortune 
// (works with either a directory or a single fortune file)
echo $fortunes->getRandom();

// Set to a specific fortune file:

// Loop through and print all fortunes
foreach ($fortunes as $fortune) {
    echo str_repeat('-', 72), "\n", $fortune, "\n\n";

// Hmmm.. let's change one:
$fortunes[7] = "I never really liked that fortune anyways.";

// No need to explicitly save, as it's done during __destruct(), 
// but if you really want to:

// Let's add a new fortune:
$fortunes->add('This is a shiny new fortune!');

// and now we'll verify it exists:
$index = count($fortunes) - 1;
echo $fortunes[$index];

All-in-all, it's a much better interface. Lesson learned: when porting code from other languages, it pays to take some time and determine if there might be a better API in your own.

In upcoming releases, I hope to modify the backend to use PHP's Streams API instead of direct file access, and also to allow providing a list of fortune files explicitly. After that, I should be ready for the initial stable release.

Update (2007-07-10): fixed parse error in examples