About me


I am currently a Senior Product Manager at Perforce, overseeing the Zend and OpenLogic brands. I have been with Zend since 2005 in a variety of roles.

Before moving into product management, I was a software engineer, specializing in PHP, a web-centric programming language. I have contributed to a number of PHP libraries and frameworks, as well as participated in standards bodies and the PHP Foundation.

For more information, visit my Résumé.


I am a tangle artist, and use the Zentangle Method. While I have been drawing off and on my entire life, since starting with Zentangle in 2019, I have been consistently creating, which makes me happy.

Even better, my lovely wife is a mixed media artist, and we often find ourselves doing art together!


I enjoy programming, which I primarily do in PHP, and use my own website as a playground. Programming scratches that itch I have for solving problems.

Health and Fitness

For a number of years, I trained in Aikido. However, this stopped in 2003 due to a number of circumstances.

I've always enjoyed hiking, but have found it challenging since becoming a parent to get out often; our move to the prairie has also significantly curbed this activity.

I also enjoy biking, and a few years ago switched to a recumbent tricycle, which has been far easier on my back and wrists. I use a stationary bike to exercise regularly.

Following a shoulder injury in 2023, I've been regularly doing strength training to keep my shoulder and upper body strong, and prevent future injuries.


I'm a husband, a father, and a dog co-habitator. Currently, we live with a Basset Hound and a Boston Terrier.