Blog Posts
Advent 2023: FocusMe
Like a lot of folks, I struggle with executive dysfunction, and it gets exacerbated when I'm hungry or tired. When I was younger, back in the bad-old-days of dial-up and slow internet, my goto activity at those times was to read; I'd read easily a book a week (except when I was reading Dumas; those took forever). Now with a phone in my pocket and the internet always there, I find myself going through social media or browsing news, and I find I'm the poorer for it.
However, when executive dysfunction kicks in, it's hard to choose to do something else. Recently, I took a page from my son, and started looking into ways I could game myself into better choices.
Advent 2023: MOTD on Ubuntu
I never intended for this Advent 2023 series to be a "Matthew's Bash Tips" series, but evidently, that's where things are going.
Today, I detail how to get the "message of the day" on Ubuntu
Advent 2023: Shellcheck
As you may have noted from previous posts in this Advent 2023 series, I find myself using Bash more and more often. This has certainly been a surprise for a career PHP developer, but it is what it is.
With PHP, there are a wealth of QA tools, from unit testing, to enforcing coding standards, to static analysis. What about with Bash? Well, the tools exist, and there's one I literally cannot write Bash without: Shellcheck.
Advent 2023: A deploy script
For the fourth day of 2023 advent blogging, I'm sharing a tool I've used to simplify deployment.
Advent 2023: Bashly
For the third day of my 2023 advent blogging, I'm covering a tool I've really leaned hard on the last few years: Bashly.
Advent 2023: NTP on AWS
Continuing my 2023 advent blogging, today is a tip on getting NTP to work on Amazon AWS EC2 instances.
Advent 2023: Logseq
In years past, folks across a variety of programming languages have organized Advent events in December, to highlight different tools, different frameworks, different programming practices, and more, often inviting guests to author each post.
I thought I'd try an experiment: I've had a ton of ideas for blog posts, many of them short, and just... never write them. What if I were to do a personal advent, and write these up?
Let's see how far I get.
Today's topic: Logseq.
3 Months, 3 Weeks, and 3 Days
I started this post early, finished it late, but the sentiment remains the same.
3 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days ago, I dislocated my shoulder, and turned my world upside down.
Trigger warning
I discuss a traumatic injury in this post.
Zentangle Back to Basics, 2022 Retrospective
Goodbye Twitter
This is a long, personal post.
tl;dr: I'm leaving Twitter. You can find me in the Fediverse as