Zippity Zoo Zah...
I've been wanting to improve — no, rewrite — my blogging software for a month
or more now. The more work I've done at work, the more efficiently I've felt I
could handle it. I've learned a lot of ins and outs with Cgiapp
and Cgiapp
superclasses, and figured out how to tie things together much better. However,
I've also noticed, in reading and analyzing blogs, that there are a lot of
standards that I just don't know enough about or simply don't have the time to
implement ("the more work I've done…" has been something like 70 hour weeks
recently). Things like trackbacks, and RSS/Atom feeds, and comment
moderation/blacklisting, etc. I certainly have the skills, but do I have the
time? Not really. I still have a goal of writing some lightweight blogging
software using Cgiapp
. However, for now, that's on hold so I can focus on
family, myself, and the next round of Cgiapp
improvements. In the meantime,
i've been seeing a lot of stuff about Serendipity, and I
thought I'd give it a try. Here are the results! It was super fast to setup,
and I hope to import all my old entries from my own system to it, once I can
see how entries are stored in the DB. So, you can now keep track of me via
RSS… Read away! Update: I'm liking S9y even more: it uses
Smarty for templating, which means I'm able to modify
it to look like it was always seamlessly in my site!