Start Writing Embeddable Applications
Clay Loveless wrote last year an article entitled Stop Writing Loner Applications in which he ranted about all the monolithic applications that act like they're the only kid on the block when it comes to user authentication. Basically, if you want to create a site that utilizes several third-party, off-the-shelf PHP apps (say, a forum, a blog, and a wiki), getting a shared authentication to work between them can be more than a little painful.
I've hit a similar problem repeatedly the past couple months: most of these apps simply are not embeddable, at least not without modifying the source.
"Why embed?" you ask. Simple: if I'm creating a site that has one or two of these applications, but also my (or my company's) own custom functionality, I may want to ensure that certain elements are present on all pages, or that I can control some of the content in all pages: a unified header and footer, ability to inject statistic tracking javascript, etc.
The predominant attitudes are either, "Don't embed our app, embed your app in ours," or "Just modify the templates." Neither of these solutions is acceptable.
Why not? In the first case, it's my site. If I'm mixing and matching several such applications, which ones should I embed, and which should be the master? Honestly, the applications I'm writing for the site are the master application; the third party solutions should be embedded in my website.
In the second case, I may have my own header and footer, and tools for automating what tracking scripts are embedded when — in other words, I'm running my own display logic, possibly with my own tools. Embedding these tools into another apps templates is at times difficult (if the application is simply using PHP, the difficulty may be mainly finding what code to alter), at times impossible (if the application uses a templating engine vastly different than what I'm using, or one that does not allow arbitrary PHP). Why should I have to write an interface to my code for each application?
Truthfully, it simply makes sense to use a Two Step View in most cases, having the application generate content that is then injected into a sitewide template I control.
I've tried in a number of cases to write wrappers so I can grab content from
these third party apps, typically using output buffering to capture the output
so I can inject it into my own views. So far, my experience has been
universally dismal. Most of the secure, robust apps out there (I'm not going to
name names) still use procedural methods for at the very least the main
script, usually index.php. This includes slurping in configuration from other
files… all of which happens in the global namespace. What's the problem? Most
wrappers I write are by necessity class methods or functions, or run from
within one, meaning the global namespace is no longer in effect. The end result
is that I have to greatly alter the code to get things to work — in one case,
my colleague and I ended up changing all $_GLOBALS
references to $_SESSION
simply to get things to work. Hackish, but it got the job done. However, it
also means it will be a nightmare to upgrade until we can script it.
If you're writing a standalone PHP application, maybe the next great forum software, or blog software, or wiki, or what have you, please design it in such a way that it is easily embeddable:
- When using configuration files, use a configuration component that doesn't
require use of the global namespace (PEAR's
, Solar'sSolar_Config
, and Zend Framework'sZend_Config
come to mind); when coupled with a registry or implemented as a static class property (in PHP5), you can have access to the configuration from anywhere in your application. - Have your bootstrap script call on class methods or functions to do their work. Don't do any decisioning in the global namespace.
- Better yet, use an MVC pattern in your apps, and have your bootstrap simply dispatch the controller. This can easily be duplicated in somebody else's code, or simply directly included.
- Make sure your templates are easily modified to allow developers to strip out header, footer, and menu elements.
- Create an API to allow retrieving necessary javascript and CSS so that it can later be injected into another system's templates.
- Don't use
ever. It seems like an easy way to keep variables accessible across classes and functions, but with PHP 5's static properties, or judicious usage of singleton's in PHP 4, there are other ways to accomplish the same effect with fewer side effects.
If you're responsible for maintaining an existing project, please start fixing your application today so it can be embedded. Believe it or not, it may actually increase adoption of your project, as more people will be able to use it within their existing sites. At the very least, you'll stop me from ranting, and reduce the amount I spend on acetaminophen.