A Weekly Priority List in Logseq Journal View

I've been using Logseq for a few years now, and even blogged about it last year. I appreciate how it surfaces todo items on the upcoming day(s), as well as anything I've given a due date in the coming week. That said, one exercise I engage each week is a weekly prioritization for the upcoming week, where I note down the items most important for me to complete. While many of these might have due dates, some might be aspirational or more along the lines of things I can do when I have a few minutes of down time between meetings.

For these, I generally keep a page in Logseq for the given week, named something like "2024w50", and I've been adding that into my "Favorites" list (and taking out the previous week's page!) so that it's easy to navigate to. I also keep my weekly notes here; I have to do weekly reports for each brand, so having a dedicated location I can either tag in other notes or write them in directly is useful.

While it's easy to open this page into a sidebar, I generally do not want a sidebar open, as I find it distracting. So I've been mulling over alternatives that would allow me to continue seeing my priorities easily, while giving me the same ability to group them by week.

My solution

The solution ended up being quite simple.

I'm now creating a structure like the following on that weekly page:

#### Priorities
priorities:: 20241220

- First item in the list
- Second item in the list
- and so on

In my Logseq config.edn, I've added the following into my :default-queries { :journals: } section:

  :title "PRIORITIES"
  :inputs [:today :+1w]
  :query [
    :find (pull ?b [*])
    :in $ ?start ?end
      [?b :block/properties ?properties]
      [(get ?properties :priorities) ?priorities]
      [(>= ?priorities ?start)]
      [(< ?priorities ?end)]

This adds a block named "PRIORITIES" to the current journal, pulling all blocks marked with the tag "priorities" where the date is today or no more than a week in the future. Since I do my planning only a week in advance, this ensures I typically only see one such block on any given day, and ensures it's in front of me each day as I start the journal. On Friday, I see the current week's and the next week's priorities, allowing me to see what slipped through the cracks as I plan, as well as get a handle on what I want to accomplish next week.