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Posted 2009-05-13
Speaking at php|tek

I announced this earlier in the year, but for those that missed it, I'm speaking at php|tek next week.

Speaking at php|tek 2009

I'll be co-presenting a workshop entitled Practical SVN for PHP Developers along with the lovely and talented Lorna Jane Mitchell. In a way, it's a continuation of the unconference session we did together at ZendCon08, and will provide much more in-depth information on the subject — including how to create and organize your repositories, branching and tagging strategies, how and when to commit, as well as more basic usage of subversion for day-to-day use.

Search tips

  • Use #{some tag} or tag:{some tag} to filter by tag; using this more than once will find results that match all tags.
  • Use year:{year} to filter by year. If you use this multiple times, the last one wins.
  • Use begin:{year-month-day} to restrict to results beginning on that day. Last one wins.
  • Use end:{year-month-day} to restrict to results ending on that day. Last one wins.