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gron is a tool for working with JSON. It chunks things into key-value pairs where the key is a dot-separated hierarchy. This allows you then to use grep or ack to search for strings of interest.

It can also reassemble these back into JSON. This can be useful for adding or removing portions of a JSON structure. It becomes really interesting then when you pair it with jq in order to retrieve data back out.

As an example, I can get the list of development requirements from a composer.json with the following:

gron composer.json | ack "require-dev" | gron -u | jq '."require-dev" | keys[]'

(They'll still be in quotes, but that's easier to deal with than JSON keys!)

Search tips

  • Use #{some tag} or tag:{some tag} to filter by tag; using this more than once will find results that match all tags.
  • Use year:{year} to filter by year. If you use this multiple times, the last one wins.
  • Use begin:{year-month-day} to restrict to results beginning on that day. Last one wins.
  • Use end:{year-month-day} to restrict to results ending on that day. Last one wins.