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From the blog

Wezterm Dropdown in Gnome

In a previous article, I detailed how I use Wezterm. One goal I had when switching to Wezterm to was to ensure I was able to continue using a dropdown terminal, and in that article, I detailed using the tdrop utility to implement this... but with the caveat that it didn't work well under the Wayland environment.

Well, I've now found a better solution.


Wezterm Quick Select Mode

Quick select mode in Wezterm allows you to identify patterns in the current visible screen; Wezterm then highlights each and provides a key to each allowing you to copy and/or paste the associated value. Activate it with Ctrl-Shift-Space.

As examples:

  • It matches sha1 and md5 values. Use these to match a git ref in a log so you can then inspect it.
  • It matches Docker container identifiers; use these to match a container identifier so you can run a command in it or copy a file from or to it.
  • It matches URLs; use it to identify a URL to pass to HTTPie.
  • It matches paths; use it to match a path to perform a file operation on.

From the blog

How I use Wezterm

I use the terminal a lot. Until the past few years, I basically used only a browser and a terminal. (The primary changes in the past couple years are that I'm using Logseq for tracking notes and todos, and now use native apps for Zoom and Slack.)

Today I'm going to detail my exploration of Wezterm, my current daily driver.

Search tips

  • Use #{some tag} or tag:{some tag} to filter by tag; using this more than once will find results that match all tags.
  • Use year:{year} to filter by year. If you use this multiple times, the last one wins.
  • Use begin:{year-month-day} to restrict to results beginning on that day. Last one wins.
  • Use end:{year-month-day} to restrict to results ending on that day. Last one wins.